Stephanie’s Third Tulsa Trip

About a month ago, we shared that our founder, Stephanie, would be headed back to Tulsa for her third trip. Now it’s time for an update on how the trip went. Pack your suitcase, and come along!

Getting to Tulsa from southeastern Washington requires a stopover along the way, this time in Salt Lake City. There was a delay with the second flight, but everything worked out. Stephanie and her husband arrived in Tulsa around 10:00pm Central, and went straight to bed.

Stephanie had a busy morning before her appointment, having breakfast with a podcaster who is going to interview Stephanie in a few weeks. She also met with the Provider Relations Specialist of Lodgingly, an organization in Tulsa which books discounted hotel rooms for people like Aziza Project clients who travel to Tulsa for medical care. Stephanie is excited to see how this partnership helps serve our clients in the future.

Walking into Haven Center now feels a bit like coming home. It was great to reconnect with Dr. Babb, Emily, and Brandi, and meet their new nurse! She was able to get some answers about some recent blood work she’d had done, as well as have the biopsy, and an extra injection into a particularly pesky spasmed muscle. And Stephanie agrees, Dr. Babb is the GOAT at biopsies. It’s only been a week, but she’s pretty well healed up and not in pain. She’s still waiting for results of the biopsy, but she has an appointment the first week of May to find out what they were.

Flying home the next day went smoothly, though there was a delay leaving Tulsa, which Stephanie is now realizing, may actually be normal!

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