March 2024 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters,
🌸 Spring brings a fresh perspective to our ongoing mission of offering hope and healing to those facing complex gynecologic pain. As the world awakens, so does our commitment to support individuals navigating conditions like pudendal neuralgia, lichen sclerosus, and pelvic floor dysfunction. Join us in embracing this season of growth and renewal, as we work together to foster hope and empowerment for all. 🌱

Here are our updates for March:

1) Provider Policies & Procedures Draft Complete!
Our Executive Director, Stephanie, has been hard at work on our provider policies and procedures to ensure seamless care for our clients. Having these policies in place will streamline communication between The Aziza Project, our clients, and our affiliated providers. The first draft is now done, and we’re looking for a lawyer who would be willing to donate some time to look it over. If you know of someone who can help with this need, please reply to this emailπŸ“

2) New Client!
We received our first financial aid application of 2024 this week! πŸ’ΌπŸ’°

3) New Podcast Episode Now Available
Stephanie was interviewed by Julie DeLucca-Collins for her “Casa De Confidence podcast in the fall, and the episode dropped two weeks ago! Listen to the interview here. Help us reach our goal of featuring on 24 podcasts in 2024 by referring us to podcasters in your network. πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ§

4) “Less Than a Latte” Campaign Update
A heartfelt thank you to our generous donors who’ve contributed to our “Less Than a Latte” campaign. Special recognition goes to Charles & Sarah (WA) for handling 6 of our “lattes”, Gene & Grace (BC), Jacob (WA), Steve (NY), Jennifer (WA), and Cortney (OR). Your support brings us closer to our goal of expanding our coverage for women in need.We still need 472 $5/month donors to meet our goal. You can set up your recurring donation here.β˜•πŸ™

5) Stephanie’s Journey Continues
The Aziza Project was born out of Stephanie’s journey to find help with her gynecologic pain. While we’re building a firm foundation of supporters, policies, and procedures, she’s sharing her journey on The Aziza Project website. Visit our website to read her latest update about her upcoming trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma! πŸŒŸπŸ’»

6) Spread the Word!
Help us broaden our impact by sharing this newsletter with three people in your network. With your help, we can extend our reach and support more individuals in need. πŸŒπŸ“£

We’re so grateful for your continued support. Together, we can offer hope to women who are suffering from complex gynecologic pain.

Know you are mighty,
Stephanie Berman
Executive Director
The Aziza Project

PS. If this newsletter was forwarded to you, you can subscribe on our website to make sure you never miss another newsletter from us.

Join us in providing funding and offering hope for gynecologic pain.

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